Sunday, September 15, 2013

Uniform of the Day--Public Reading, Not Me.

When I was a child, my mom used the old chestnut, "Red and green must not be seen except on the dress of the Irish queen," as a model for training me how to match my clothes--this was, you see, pre-Garanimals. When I was a soldier, we used to joke that getting dressed was simpler than having Garaminals, but cause we didn't even have to recognize the animals, the uniform was either green (field) or tan (garrison).

As a grown up, and now that my uniform of the day isn't prescribed for me by the first sergeant, I do my best to not look like the Irish queen or a Christmas decoration, but I do to try and use color in interesting ways. Thus, I'm not afraid to match the right shades of red and green, and in this case adding blue--RGB to the printing and publishing world.

So this afternoon when I went to a public reading by one of the instructors in my non-profit writing project, and some of the people we've taught and published, I put together what I thought was a pretty subtle RGB set, although the iPhone photo doesn't show the red very well.

Red (burgundy, actually) and white Oxford stripe OCBD from L.L. Bean, Green chinos from J.Crew, Blue linen blazer (looking pretty worn down comfortable at the end of summer) from Brooks Bros., Allen Edmonds Black Hills oxfords, 1940s Breitling Chronomat (good for timing readers...), L.L. Bean leather belt.