Monday, September 2, 2013

Uniform of the Day--Actually for the Entire Season

It's Labor Day. Ms. F and I are off to visit some friends and watch the local parade from their front yard. With minor variations, this has been the uniform of the summer. Two trips to the ER (back, appendix), running a week-long writing workshop at George Washington University for 40 veterans (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, playwriting), a couple weeks in the Hudson Valley finishing a book (bears), vacation in mid-coast Maine (lobstah), beating around in the District, walking the dogs, going to the grocery, grilling on the patio: most of this accomplished in some variation of this outfit.

One of several pairs of Khaki shorts from J. Crew, yellow and white Oxford stripe (or blue, white, yellow, pink, blue and white or red and white Oxford stripe) OCBD from RL Polo or Brooks Bros or Nordstrom, surcingle belt from J. Press; Top-Siders, 1985 Rolex Submariner 5513. Not shown: beat up pair of Ray Ban Wayfarers in black, or the ubiquitous Ray-Ban aviators, a Red Sox or Nationals
Senators cap.