Sunday, November 10, 2013

Uniform of the Day--Literary Reading

It's a busy time, Veterans Day weekend. Today was day one of a three-day public-event-fest I'm involved in. This afternoon I took part in a reading at The Writer's Center just up the street from us in Bethesda, MD. There were several of us reading from works we've recently had published in The Delmarva Review's 6th edition. I read a piece called "Writing My Way Home," which will also be in my book. Here's a link to the essay that was re-published by one of the local papers on the Eastern Shore//Delmarva Peninsula.

I decided to go pretty casual, but not too casual since I was the featured writer in both the journal and for the reading. It's a delicate balance.

I went with a pair of J.Crew 484 jeans, an alligator belt with a Tiffany's buckle, LL Bean plaid shirt with a Sid Mashburn grenadine tie, an Orvis light brown herringbone tweed jacket, Allen Edmonds Amok chukka boots, and the Submariner 5513. 

Throughout the next few days, each successive event will demand slightly more formal attire--short of actual formal wear. And to top it off, on Tuesday, when I need to be the most dressed-up, we're expecting snow. Joy unbound.