Friday, November 22, 2013

Uniform of the Day--Creative Mornings DC

So my friend Jason Steinhauer is a curator at the Library of Congress. Jason has curated a number of big shows including "Ours to Fight For" for the Museum of Jewish Heritage. This morning he was the speaker for Washington DC's Creative Mornings event on the subject of bravery. He invited me to join him on stage to discuss some of the work we do at the Veterans Writing Project and to read some of my poetry.

Creative Mornings is a global phenomenon of which I had heard nothing up to this point. So I learned as much as a could and dove in. It's very cool and I was very pleasantly surprised that my work and my reading was quite well received.

This is a group formed around the idea of sharing creativity, so I chose to be a little creative--but it's hard for me to give up classic. So I went with this: Grey Harris Tweed jacket, black suit vest, RL Polo chambray shirt with a vintage Brooks Brothers red and cream spotted tie, some olive jeans from J.Crew, an alligator belt with a sterling buckle, Allen Edmonds Jefferson brogues and the Submariner 5513. 

Here's an image captured and tweeted by one of the creatives attending, Jackie Titus. @Jtitus