Saturday, May 18, 2013

Uniform of the Day--Warm Night w/ Cookout

Finally, a warm spring evening in DC. A friend who works for the National Endowment for the Arts was hosting an event in his back yard. His wife runs a catering business, so the set-up and food are always top drawer. It was casual, no jacket required. I decided it was time to break out the Nantucket Reds and white bucks.

The District of Columbia is one of those places to which people from all over America and the world come for work, so there is always an interesting mix at events like this. Plus, this was an event for people working in the arts as healing and in particular doing so with the military and veterans community, so it was a particularly diverse group of artists, musicians, writers, doctors, researchers, and scientists, veterans, service members, &c.

I received several questions and comments about the Nantucket Reds: some people had never seen them, several asked about the texture and tint, one guest from Iowa referred to them as being salmon colored. He was quickly dis-abused of that fallacy by Ms. F.

Reds fall into the broad category known as go-to-hell pants. These might include any brightly colored pant, I suppose, but particularly madras pants and other trad / prep looking togs. I love the look of color--especially among the grey-suit uniformed classes in DC--and enjoy the conversations that inevitably follow arriving in a pair of GTH pants.

Nantucket Reds from Murray's Toggery, white bucks, white Brooks Bros. OCBD, J. Press surcingle belt.