Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Uniform of the Day--Georgetown Lit Prof Lunch

Wow, it's mid-May and we had freezing temperatures last night out at Dulles Airport. A little warmer here inside the District, but still....

Anyway, off this morning to Georgetown University for a meeting with the chair of the English Department to thank her for the Department's support for our literary journal, O-Dark-Thirty.

Olive jeans from J. Crew, navy blazer from Burberry, Allen Edmonds Black Hills oxfords, Charles Tyrwhitt mini-gingham shirt, Sid Mashburn navy blue gabardine tie, 1958 Rolex Air King, mid-60s Parker 75 Cisele sterling pen, vintage Brooks Bros "button" cufflinks. Given that the temperature is still in the 40's, I added a Barbour Liddesdale quilted jacket.